Thursday, December 12, 2019

City of Kingston Announces Relaxed Parking Enforcement for Holidays

KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce that from Wednesday, December 18 through Wednesday, January 1, the City of Kingston will have relaxed ticketing enforcement on expired meters. During this time, City parking staff will focus efforts on meter repair and routine maintenance.

“In the spirit of the season, we will once again be giving drivers a little extra time on parking meters across the City,” said Mayor Noble. “Over the holidays, we hope that residents and visitors alike will visit all the stores and restaurants Kingston has to offer without having to rush to feed the meter. I hope everyone enjoys extended time with family and friends.”

Please note, parking staff will still be giving safety violations for issues such as blocking fire hydrants, parking in handicap spots, double parking, and expired inspections. Vehicle owners must observe all traffic and parking rules and only park in legal spots. Regular enforcement of parking meter expiration will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2020.

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